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scrabble tiles spelling educational words

Reasons to Homeschool

May 2, 2023

If you are considering the homeschool lifestyle, you are not alone. Data from the National Educational Research Institute (NHERI) shows that the number of children aged 5-17 years who were taught at home rose from 1.7% in 2016 to about 3.1% in the fall of 2022. This surge in homeschool enrollment can be traced to…

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kids legs dangling below table

Solutions: How to Homeschool When You Think You Can’t

April 18, 2023

In my previous post: Making the Decision to Homeschool: Weighing the Pros and Cons, I addressed the benefits and drawbacks of the homeschool lifestyle.   That post got a bit long, so I thought I’d address the ‘cons’ in a separate blog. This blog is intended for parents who have a desire to homeschool, but…

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child in field with binoculars

Making the Decision to Homeschool: Weighing the Pros and Cons

April 11, 2023

Homeschool is not for everyone, and that is okay. Assuming complete responsibility for your child’s education is a significant commitment, a decision not to be made lightly. Weighing the pros and cons of homeschooling will help you determine if this is the lifestyle for you. In this post I address both the benefits and potential…

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oldest library in north america

A History of Libraries in North America

April 4, 2023

Seeing as it’s Library Week, I thought I’d do a little research into the history of North American libraries. The title of ‘oldest American library’ is contested, but the front-runners include the Darby Free Library and The Library Company, both located in Pennsylvania, USA. Initially libraries were private collections of books held by those who…

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boy reading

The Public Library, a Priceless Asset for Homeschooling Families

March 28, 2023

The Public Library, a Priceless Asset for Homeschooling Families       One of my favorite places to visit is the public library. Most of us already know the library offers a one-stop ‘shop’ for information and printed materials in all school subjects, including Science & Computer Technology, Math, English/Language Arts, History, Home Economics, and…

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clean home

The Benefits of an Organized Home

March 21, 2023

Having a clean and comfortable space to live is a commendable goal. Though it requires time and effort to maintain, most of us would agree this is a small price to pay, considering the overall gain. Here are nine benefits to organizing your home. This blog contains affiliate links. I may earn commission from purchases…

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