
Homeschool Umbrella Schools

August 16, 2022

What is an Umbrella School? The term ‘umbrella’, as it relates to homeschooling has nothing to do with the weather. It refers to the covering or protection that these entities provide for the homeschooling family.  A homeschool umbrella school acts as a non-traditional private school. It may be virtual (online only), physical (brick and mortar),…

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10 Things I Learned During Our First Year of Homeschooling

August 9, 2022

Aah, the homeschool life… Following a quiet cup of hot coffee, I go to wake my children. A gentle knock on each door is met with “good morning, mom!” as they jump out of bed- smiling, eager, and ready to learn. After a healthy, home-cooked breakfast, we begin. The children listen with rapt attention to…

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