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This is part two in my Choosing Curriculum series. If you missed the previous post, it can be accessed by clicking on the following link:
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My purpose in writing this series is to provide information and guidance to homeschooling parents as they determine which curriculum is best suited to their family’s needs.
I may be compensated for purchases made using the affiliate links in this post.
Since many of us use curriculum as the foundation for home instruction, selecting curricula which meshes with our values and goals is of utmost importance. More parents are choosing this lifestyle so the demand for educational products has increased, and new products are released frequently. Having many options is a blessing, but can make the curricula selection process overwhelming.
Since it is impossible to inspect every available curriculum yourself, it is necessary to narrow down your options. To do this you must have an understanding of how curriculum is categorized (the approach, philosophy, and method it uses as its foundation) and packaged (as workbooks, DVDs, online, group classes, etc.). Armed with this knowledge it becomes possible to focus on only those styles and methods which best satisfy your family’s educational goals.
In addition, time constraints, physical space, budget concerns, health issues, personalities, preferred learning styles, and the age and number of children you have will influence the type of curricula you use. These variables will be addressed in detail later on in this series.
To avoid information overload, each blog in this series will focus on one aspect of choosing curriculum. Feel free to read the blogs in any order, skip the information you already know, and if you have found this advice useful – please share it with others!
In this post I will address the four main approaches to home educating. As all curricula options fall into one of these four categories, it’s a suitable place to begin.
Here are the four main approaches to homeschooling:
1. Independent
- The parent takes full control over education – the curriculum, scheduling, assignments, grading, and compliance documentation.
2. Supportive
- The parent partners with a homeschool program- either a school or an academy for some or all of the educational content.
3. Online Private School
- All classes are online.
4. Cyber Charter School
- This approach is paid for and managed by the public school system.
As you can see, determining which approach is best suited to your lifestyle significantly narrows your curricula choices. Parents who work full time are not likely to be able to offer an independent approach, while those with unreliable internet connectivity may be unable to use an online school.
In the next blog in this series, Choosing Curriculum Part 3: The Parent as Educator you will be asked to answer some self-discovery questions. Your responses to these questions will help determine the instructional method which best suits your personality, strengths, and limitations.